  • 1 # 嫣兒2774

    If you love two persons, select the second; Because you will not love someone else if you truly love the first.

    ------ 假如你愛上了兩個人,選擇第二個。因為如果你真愛第一個,就不會去愛其他人。

    If you love a girl, it's better to fight for her happiness than to abandon her for the sake of her happiness.

    ------ 愛一個女孩子,與其為了她的幸福而放棄她,不如留住她,為她的幸福而努力。

    Spend life with who makes you happy, not who you have to impress.

    ------ 選擇讓你快樂的那個人來共度餘生,而不是你必須努力取悅的那一個。

    Why am i so afraid to lose you when you are not even mine?

    ------ 為什麼我還是如此的擔心失去你,即使你都已經不是我的?

    Every time you come to mind, I realize I'm smiling.

    ------ 每次想到你,我就發現自己是微笑著的。

    We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery, the deepest wound was the most real emotions.

    ------ 我們在錯誤的時間相遇,在正確的時間卻又分開。 走的最急的是最美的景色,傷的最深的是最真的感情。

    The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them.

    ------ 失去某人,最糟糕的莫過於,他/她近在身旁,卻猶如遠在天邊。

    If you leave me,please don't comfort me because each se

  • 2 # 今晚太陽不錯o

    1.Live a good life meet slowly

    (好好生活 慢慢相遇)

    2.To meet is to sig on


    3."Everything wins萬事勝意"

    4.Want to be your well_known joy


    5.You're the one I'm still in love with


    6.You are as romantIC as the star


    7.As long as it's you it's okay to be late


    8.You're all over my eyes


  • 蘿蔔絲粉條餡餅的做法?