  • 1 # 用戶5435842789945

    It's adj+to do sth.


    例如:It's important to learn English well.學好英語很重要.

    ①it is fun to do sth

    It could be fun to watch them play.看他們玩會很有趣。

    It’s fun to ski down a mountain.滑雪下山很有趣。

    It's fun to be in a large city at Christmastime.大城市聖誕節期間非常好玩。

    It is more fun to go with someone than to go alone.偕伴同去比自己獨自去好玩。

    ②it is fun doing sth

    It’s fun working for him.為他工作很有意思。

    It’s no fun eating on your own.一個人吃飯沒意思。

    It’s fun being taken to the zoo.被帶去看動物園真有意思。

    It’s not much fun going to a party alone.獨自一人去參加聚會沒什麼意思。

    It’s no good/use… -ing and It is worth …-ing.常用-ing, 其他時候為非正規表達。
    1) It’s no good talking to him – he never listens.
    2) It’s no use expecting her to say thank-you.
    3) It’s no use trying to explain – I’m not interested.

  • 2 # 哈哈匠1

    It is後面既可以跟動詞的ing形式 也可以跟動詞不定式to do 。但是後面跟ing形式和動詞不定式 所表達的內在意義不一樣 ,後接動詞的ing形式時 表達現在 進行時態 ,強調動作 正在進行或發生,而接動詞不定式時 表示將來的動作 。如:It is raining outside 。 外面正在下雨 ?

    It's to rain tomorrow according to the weather report

  • 蘿蔔絲粉條餡餅的做法?