  • 1 # 用戶2905503265608


    Unit 1 school subjects(學校的課程)

    Listen and look (看圖聽音)

    1. What’s that?(那是什麼?) It’s my science book .(那是我的科學書)

    2. Do you like science?(你喜歡科學嗎) yes, I do .(是的,我喜歡。)

    3. Do you like science,Tony?(湯尼,你喜歡科學嗎?)No I don’t . I like art .(不,我不喜歡,我喜歡美術。)

    4. I like science, math,english,and P.E .(我喜歡科學,數學,英語和體育)

    5. What do you like,Gogo?( 果果,你喜歡什麼?) I like art,too .(我也喜歡美術。)

    6. Let's go now!(放手吧) Oh,Gogo !

    Target Listen and say.

    Do you like math?(你喜歡數學嗎?) Yes I do(是的,我喜歡。)

    Do you like science? No I don’t . (你喜歡科學嗎?不,我不喜歡。)

    What subjects do you like, Gogo? (果果,你喜歡什麼科目?)

    I like art and music. (我喜歡美術和音樂。)

    Unit 2 School Activities (學校活動)

    Listen and look (看圖聽音)

    1. Hello ! What are you doing?(你好!你在做什麼?)

    I’m reading english. H’s fishing(我在看書,他在釣魚。)

    2. Hello ! What ’s she doing?(你好,她在做什麼?) Shh. She’s studying.(噓,她在學習。)

    3. What are they doing?(他們在做什麼?)

    4. Thet’re painting.(他們在繪畫)

    5. Wow

    6. What are you doing?(你在做什麼?) I’m swimming.(我在游泳。)

    Target Listen and say.

    What are you doing?(你在做什麼?) I’m writing.(我在寫字。)

    What are they doing?(他們在做什麼?) They ’re playing.(他們在玩。)

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