  • 1 # Sunny雨138405034

    New York on a misty day.

    I can't tell why it means something to me, but it means everything.

    —It's only one carriage ride and the weather's gloomy.

    I couldn't really sleep last night.

    Did you hear all those fire engines?

    —I did.

    The roaring traffic's boom.Silence in my lonely room.

    I know that! That's from Shakespeare, right?

    Sir, would you stop for a second?

    - Why are we stoping?

    - Ashleigh, you go back to Yardley.I'm going to stay in New York.紐約的一個雨天

    - What?


    —I need a carbon


    -What are you talking about?

    - We are two different creatures, right?


    You like the sound of crickets

    and I like the rattle of the taxies.


    You blosom in the sun and me...I come into my own under grey skies.


    You were a big hit here, you are a crackerjack reporter.You were loved spiritually, emotionally and physically by 3 gifted men, right?


    You don't want to be with me.

    You deserve better than I am.

  • 蘿蔔絲粉條餡餅的做法?