  • 1 # 小宇婷ting

    1.look around “四處看看,環視四周”,既可作及物又可作不及物動詞。


    Don't look around.Look ahead.不要東張西望,往前看。

    2.look down on/upon"看不起,輕視",後接表示人的名詞或代詞。

    I don't think it is right to look down on the poor.我認為看不起窮人是不對的。

    3.look forward to“希望,盼望,期望”,to 是介詞,後接名詞、代詞或動名詞。

    The students are looking forward to an English party.學生都盼望能辦一個英語聚會。

    4.look into “向...裡看,調查,了解”,into是介詞,後接名詞,代詞,名詞短語等。

    The police are looking into the matter.警察正在調查此事。

    5.look out“向外看,當心,挑選,找出來”,

    Look out and see who is sitting there.向外看看是誰坐在那兒。

    Look out!There is an iceberg ahead.當心,前面有冰山。

    I'll look out the books of mine.我要把我的書挑出來。

    6.look up“抬頭看,向上看,查(字典)”,

    He looked up and saw a bird flying over.他抬起頭來看,看見一隻鳥飛過來。

    You can look it up in the dictionary.你可以從字典裡面找到它。

    7.look up to“尊敬,敬仰”,to 是介詞。

    Jone is looked up to because he is glad to help people.因為約翰很樂於助人而受人尊敬。

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