  • 1 # 上虞敘

    So…that 的用法 1、 so + 形容詞/副詞 + that + 從句,如(這個故事如此有趣以至我想再讀一次。) This story is so interesting that I want to read it again. (他說得如此快以至我不能跟上他。) He spoke so quickly that I couldn't follow him.

    2、 so+形容詞/副詞+(a/an)+單數可數名詞 + that+從句, so + adj./adv.+複數可數名詞/不可數名詞+that+從句, 如果句中的名詞是單數可數名詞,其前就要用不定冠詞a或an,如果是複數可數名詞或者不可數名詞,前面就不用冠詞,如: (她是如此可愛的一個女孩,以至每個人都喜歡她。) She is so lovely a girl that everyone loves her . 注意:so+ many/few/ +可數名詞複數 ; much/ little+不可數名詞 so不能用such代替

    3、such+a/an+形容詞+單數可數名詞+that+從句,如: (她是如此可愛的一個女孩,以至每個人都喜歡她。)

    She is such a lovely girl that everyone loves her. (這是一個如此有趣的故事以至我想再讀一次。)

    It is such an interesting story that I want to read it again. (=it is so interesting a story that I want to read it again)

    4、such+複數可數名詞/不可數名詞+that+從句,如: (他表現得如此關心以至於人們都把他當作親戚了。) He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative.

    5.從句謂語中含有情態動詞may / might,can /could,should,would等,這時so that引導的是一個目的狀語從句;從句前面有逗號和主句相隔,此時so that引導的是一個結果狀語從句。

  • 蘿蔔絲粉條餡餅的做法?