  • 1 # 小柴諾

    How many cakes ?英文翻譯成中文是


    所以可以按照題目來說,可以根據英文題目前後文來回答問題,如果只是單純的問題沒有英文題目可以根據需要回答,可以只回答數字,例如two cakes,three cakes,four cakes等等但是不能是one cakes,因為這是錯誤的語法一個蛋糕是單數只能是one cake,而且問題題目是cakes,所以要用複數回答問題。

  • 2 # 用戶9813977805898

    How many cakes are there in the box?

    這種句型是How many 十可數名詞複數十are there十介詞短語?

    比如How many pens are there in the penciI—box?

    回答是There are 十基數詞十名詞複數十其它。可以簡略回答。如:There are two pens in the box。或two這樣的句子還有How much +不可數名詞十is there+其它?

  • 3 #

    意思是“有多少’”,一般後跟可數的名詞。比如:How many pens do you have?而與之相反的是much。“how much”也為有多少之意,但是它一般後跟不可數名詞。比如:How much money does your pen cost?糕餅;蛋糕( cake的名詞複數 );餅狀食物;塊狀物。

  • 4 # 用戶5435842789945

    cake 為可數名詞,複數為cakes.用many形容,詢問其多少how many 提問。

    How many cakes do you have and how much milk do you drink every day?

    how many後跟可數名詞複數cakes,how much後跟不可數名詞milk.

    how many 與 how much 的區別

    例如:-How much is the eraser?這塊橡皮擦多少錢?-Ninety two fen.九角二分.) 用於詢問價錢

    How many eggs did Sue eat?eggs 可數名詞複數, 用 How many . 提問

    How much juice?much加不可數名詞,

    如:much milk many加可數名詞複數,

    many apples How many加可數名詞複數,

    如How many pears ?

  • 5 # 婧兒180973897

    cake是可數名詞,當然是用how many來提問。不可數名詞提問多少時才用不可數名詞。

    例句:There are seven cakes on the table.(seven劃線提問)

    例句:How many cakes are there on the table?

    例句:There is some bread in the box.(some劃線提問)

    例句:How much bread is there in the box?

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