  • 1 # 用戶6183126106049

    into one團綜叫《Lucky INTO1》,這個團綜也是大家期待了很久的一個,應該會有大家一起玩遊戲的場面,比起《未知週刊》的花絮集錦,這個《Lucky INTO1》更像是INTO1十一個少年大家一起玩的團建,每一個人手裡拿著的都是印有成員頭像的抱枕,所以他們會有什麼樣的故事發生確實讓人期待。在等待新專輯和新團綜的同時,贊多的粉絲達到了兩百萬,從當初只有100個粉絲到現在的兩百萬,贊多用了半年的時間實現了飛躍,未來他還會有更多人會關注到他。

  • 2 # 用戶2124693861657


    2021年4月24日,11名成員在騰訊視頻國際青年文化交流男團成長綜藝節目《創造營2021》總決賽中獲勝出道,並推出組合同名出道單曲《INTO1》。5月21日,參加薇婭狂歡節,完成組合成團首秀。6月15日,參加快手616真心夜。7月16日,發布首張音樂EP《風暴眼》先行曲暨騰訊東京奧運報道喝彩曲《INTO THE FIRE》。10月17日,INTO1成團首張EP《風暴眼》首唱會上線。

  • 3 # 用戶1772012350747672

      May Fourth Square depends on the Qingdao Municipal government office block, south near Fushan bay, total area 10 hectares.  May Fourth Square the great May 4th Movement of 1919 blasting fuse acquire fame because of Qingdao for the Chinese modern history in, intend to bring honor to 54 patriotisms to drive the people work hard for the prosperity of the country, to greet the new century the arrival.  May Fourth Square minute north and south two parts, distribute in the axle wire the municipal government office block, the implicit eruptive fountain, the lattice eruptive fountain, "May Wind" the sculpture, the marine hundred meters eruptive fountains and so on the rich rhythm unfold gravely, solid, the vigorous upward grand scenery under, serves as contrast in the big area scenic forest is fuller of vitality, fill modern breath.  The square main body sculpture "May Wind" the height 30 meters, the diameter 27 meters, use the screw upward steel body structure combination, soars “the wind” take the pure neat modelling element arrangement combination as revolving the modelling, has fully manifested the national strength which the May 4th Movement of 1919 anti-imperialism and antifeudalism patriotism main key and makes widely known soars.  May Fourth Square plant disposition take the four seasons Chang Lv cold season lawn as the main tuning, by young Long cypress, gold leaf female loyal, turtle early Chinese ilex, group charts and so on purple Ye Xiaobo, abundant flowered rosa indica, constitution rich modern botanical garden breath big color block colored belt, flowers and trees embellishments and so on among pine and cypress, albizzia julibrissin, Chinese star jasmine, merges into one organic whole organically with the main body sculpture and the sea day natural environment, forms the garden area luxuriantly for the grand scenery.  May Fourth Square symbolic sculpture “May wind”, by the screw rise wind modelling and the fiery red color, manifested “the May 4th Movement of 1919” to oppose imperialism fully the national strength which, the antifeudal patriotism main key and made widely known soars.In the opposite sea has may spurt in the height hundred meters water the eruptive fountain, the entire scenic area atmosphere appears tranquilly elegant, comfortable auspicious.Here has become one of new century Qingdao's symbolic landscapes.  五四廣場北依青島市政府辦公大樓,南臨浮山灣,總占地面積10公頃。  五四廣場因青島為中國近代史上偉大的五四運動導火索而得名,意在弘揚五四愛國精神激勵人們奮發圖強,迎接新世紀的到來。  五四廣場分南北兩部分,分佈於中軸線上的市政府辦公大樓、隱式噴泉、點陣噴泉、《五月的風》雕塑、海上百米噴泉等富有節奏地展現出莊重、堅實、蓬勃向上的壯麗景色,在大面積風景林的襯托下更加生機勃勃,充滿現代氣息。  廣場主體雕塑《五月的風》高30米,直徑27米,採用螺旋向上的鋼體結構組合,以單純洗鍊的造型元素排列組合為旋轉騰昇的“風”之造型,充分體現了五四運動反帝反封建的愛國主義基調和張揚騰昇的民族力量。  五四廣場植物配置以四季常綠的冷季型草坪為主調,以小龍柏、金葉女貞、龜早冬青、紫葉小檗、豐花月季等組圖,構成富有現代園林氣息的大色塊花帶,松柏、合歡、耐冬等花木點綴其中,與主體雕塑和海天自然環境有機地融為一體,形成園區蔚為壯麗的景色。  五四廣場標誌性雕塑“五月的風”,以螺旋上升的風的造型和火紅的色彩,充分體現了“五四運動”反帝、反封建的愛國主義基調和張揚騰昇的民族力量。對面海中有可噴高百米的水中噴泉,整個景區的氛圍顯得寧靜典雅、舒適祥和。這裡已成為新世紀青島的標誌性景觀之一。

  • 蘿蔔絲粉條餡餅的做法?