  • 1 # cao家h

    Increasingly,副詞,一般用法都是be/become Increasingly adj.表示日益,越來越多地,不斷增加的"adj",所以如果要替代的話最好是把主語變成回國發展的留學生人數,the number of Chinese oversea students who comes back to China to hunt better working chances become increasingly large.

    或者可以直接用increasing,the number of Chinese oversea students who comes back to China to hunt better working chances is increasing。

  • 2 # 番茄3289340540356712

    the increasing number of 的意思是····數目的增加;例:

    1.the increasing number of tourists to China .


    2.The base of perianth tube was commonly bent , and had relativity the increasing number of tepals .


    an increasing number of 的意思是不斷增長的…數目;越來越多的。例:

    1.An increasing number of bacterial skin infections are resistant to antibiotic medicines .


    2.They note that an increasing number of similar tests are available to process cells , genetic material and proteins .


    incresing number of 前面一定要加冠詞。因為number是可數名詞。後面可以加單數名詞,也可以加複數名詞。

    另外:a growing number of=a incresing number of =more and more.

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