1.Each one of us is here to learn lessons.我們所有人都應該吸取教訓。
2.Each one of us is pooping and peeing something that could fertilize half or maybe all of our food, depending on our diet.我們每個人都產生能夠肥沃我們一半甚至全部食物的排洩物,具體取決於我們的食譜。
3.I have no hesitation in saying that each one of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda trees of Pretoria and the mimosa trees of the bushveld.我可以毫不猶疑地說,我們每一個人都跟這美麗祖國的大地親密地牢不可分,就如紅木樹之於比勒陀利亞,含羞草之於灌木林。
1.Each one of us is here to learn lessons.我們所有人都應該吸取教訓。
2.Each one of us is pooping and peeing something that could fertilize half or maybe all of our food, depending on our diet.我們每個人都產生能夠肥沃我們一半甚至全部食物的排洩物,具體取決於我們的食譜。
3.I have no hesitation in saying that each one of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda trees of Pretoria and the mimosa trees of the bushveld.我可以毫不猶疑地說,我們每一個人都跟這美麗祖國的大地親密地牢不可分,就如紅木樹之於比勒陀利亞,含羞草之於灌木林。