  • 1 # 冰箱1979

    "Van" 和 "one" 發音上有以下區別:

    1. 音素: "Van" 的發音包含兩個音素,即/v/和/æ/,分別代表輔音音素/v/和元音音素/æ/。而 "one" 的發音只包含一個音素,即/ʌ/,代表元音音素/ʌ/。

    2. 元音嘴形:在發音時,發出 "van" 的元音 /æ/ 需要張開嘴唇和舌位略微抬高,而發出 "one" 的元音 /ʌ/ 則是將舌位放在中央位置,嘴唇放鬆。

    3. 強調:因為 "van" 的發音中含有兩個音節,通常會對第一個音節進行輕微的重音強調,即 /væn/。而 "one" 只包含一個音節,通常不會有明顯的重音強調,即 /wʌn/。

    綜上所述,"van" 和 "one" 在發音上存在明顯的區別。

  • 2 # 哇塞147258


  • 3 # 用戶5435842789945

    All but oneare going to take part in the conference which is to be held tomorrow.


    is going to; that is to take place


    are going to; that is about to take place

    all but one 主語是all,且all在此指人,故謂語動詞用複數;take place 屬不及物動詞短語,無被動語態;be about to後面不能跟具體的時間狀語。

    all but還可表示“除了……全部都”。

    All but one will go there. 除一人外都將去那裡。

    ② anything but意為“決非,並不,決不”,相當於not at all,far from。

    It is anything but cheap. 這決不便宜。

    It is anything but pleasant to be caught in the rain. 遭雨淋並不是愉快的事。

    The man is anything but honest. 這人一點也不誠實。

    The room is anything but sunny. 這房間Sunny並不充足。

    He is anything but an expert. 他絕不是什麼專家。

    All but my auntie have had lunch.


  • 4 # 唯一8452

    1.Yes, all but one, which I believe was preserved by Hans van Dijk.是的,但有一個除外,就是我認為被漢斯保留下來的那個。

    2.All but one of the passengers were killed in the accident.除了一個乘客外,其他人都在這起事故中喪生。

    3.For all but one, these competitors have won the fight to see another day.除了被海豹抓住的那一隻,其他所有的競爭者們都贏得了今天的比賽,期待著有一天的到來。