  • 1 # thanksjunior


    in表示時間,用於泛指一天的上午、下午、晚上等;用於某個較長的時間,如年、月、季節等。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening在上(下午)或晚上,in 2003在2003年,in the day/daytime在白天。

  • 2 # 唯一8452


    1.In the day time, I like listening music.在白天,我喜歡聽音樂。

    2.Soldiers used smoke in the day time and fire at night to deliver the message.士兵們在白天用烽煙,夜間用篝火傳遞消息。

    3.Sometimes working in the day time, sometimes working in the night time. It's too difficult to get used to.有時晚上工作,有時白天工作,讓人很難適應。

  • 3 # 用戶11502028243

    一,具體看先行詞前是否可以搭配這個介詞.  1,如 i will never forget the day when i met him.  這個句子的when 可以用 on which 代替,因為我們平時的搭配就是 on the day. 2,但是如果句子是 I will never forget the year when i met him.  這個句子的when 就不可以用on which 而要用 in which, 因為我們平時不說 on the year而說 in the year . 3,有時也會用到at /during+which  如.That was the time when(= at which) he arrived,  或者 it rained heavily when (during which) we stayed together. 二,on which也有可能是where的意思  比如 this is the desk on which i found my pen這裡的on which就不能用when.