  • 1 # 優雅99680

    1. 愛你在心 - Love You in My Heart

    2. 我的另一半 - My Other Half

    3. 你是我的唯一 - You Are My Only One

    4. 情侶天使 - Couple Angel

    5. 愛若相守 - Love Will Stay Together

    6. 心有靈犀 - Telepathy Hearts

    7. 愛戀長久 - Love Lasts Forever

    8. 心儀佳人 - Beloved Beauty

    9. 甜蜜愛戀 - Sweet Love

    10. 寶貝戀人 - Baby Lover

    11. 愛的細節 - Details of Love

    12. 默契無間 - Perfect Understanding

    13. 永恆愛人 - Eternal Love

    14. 兩心相印 - Hearts as One

    15. 緣定三生 - Fate for Three Lives

    16. 柳暗花明 - Darkness Turns to Light

    17. 甜言蜜語 - Sweet Words

    18. 鍾情一生 - Love for a Lifetime

    19. 心有靈犀 - Minds Meet

    20. 無人能敵 - None Can Defeat

    21. 天長地久 - Love Lasts Forever

    22. 相隨相伴 - Together Forever

    23. 依偎相伴 - Snuggle Together

    24. 痴情長久 - Devotion Lasts Forever

    25. 永恆不變 - Never Change

    26. 愛你到永遠 - Love You Forever

    27. 知心知愛 - Understanding Love

    28. 心絲相牽 - Heartstrings Tied

    29. 輕聲細語 - Whispering

    30. 合拍恩愛 - Harmony and Love

    31. 純愛無敵 - Pure Love Is Invincible

    32. 相愛相守 - Love and Stay Together

    33. 談笑風生 - Comedy and Joy

    34. 孤獨成雙 - Solitude as a Pair

    35. 甜蜜相伴 - Sweet Together

    36. 一心一意 - One Heart, One Mind

    37. 愛意綿綿 - Endless Love

    38. 深情厚愛 - Deep Love

    39. 相互扶持 - Mutual Support

    40. 永相守護 - Guarding Forever

    41. 心心相印 - Hearts on the Same Page

    42. 盼望彼此 - Waiting for Each Other

    43. 兩心相知 - Heart to Heart

    44. 此生相伴 - Together for Life

    45. 山盟海誓 - Vows of Love

    46. 情定一生 - Fixed for Life

    47. 同舟共濟 - Work Together as One

    48. 紅線牽每生 - Red Line Tied for Life

    49. 竊竊私語 - Whispering

    50. 花好月圓 - Flowers and the Moon

    51. 執手相依 - Holding Hands and Depend on Each Other

    52. 心心相印 - Two Hearts Beating as One

    53. 如影隨形 - Follow You Everywhere

    54. 手牽手走下去 - Walking Hand in Hand Forever

    55. 面對世界只看你 - Seeing Only You in the World

    56. 默契度日 - Perfect Harmony

    57. 驚奇相遇 - Surprised Meeting

    58. 對你的欣賞和依賴 - Appreciation and Dependence on You

    59. 彼此相伴共進 - Accompany and Advance Together

    60. 同心協力 - Working Together Towards One Goal

    61. 非你莫屬 - Only You for Me

    62. 情深意濃 - Deep Affection

    63. 痴心絕對 - Absolute Devotion

    64. 肝膽相照 - Sincere Friendship

    65. 眼裡有你 - You are in My Eyes

    66. 愛如潮水 - Love Like a Tide

    67. 每天一起吃早飯 - Having Breakfast Together

  • 2 # 山鄉華仔




  • 3 # lanfengz3




