  • 1 # 用戶2955180930302

    第一步:First, chop up the strawberrie(首先把草莓切碎)

    第二步:Then take two mangoes and chop them up(然後取兩個芒果,把芒果也切碎)

    第三步:Again, take two kiwis and chop them up(同樣的,取兩個獼猴桃把它切碎)

    第四步:Take two more bananas, cut them into pieces and add blueberries if you like(取兩根香蕉切成段狀,如果你喜歡的話,還可以加點藍莓)

    第五步:Next, pour some honey into a bowl, squeeze in some lemon juice and stir well(接下來,碗中倒入適量蜂蜜,擠入一些檸檬汁攪拌均勻)

    第六步:Will make good salad juice, pour into the fruit, toss evenly, fruit salad is ready(將攪拌好的沙拉汁倒入水果中翻拌均勻,水果沙拉就做好了)

      Today ,I did a fruit salad by myself. First: wash different fruits and peel them. I used two apples、two bananas、 one watermelon and a pineapple. Second:Cut them and mix them up. I put them on a glass plate.

      Third:Add salad cream and stir . Finally: enjoy it! It tastes very delicious and I'm so happy.

