Touring the Ancient Ruins of Sicily遊覽西西里島歷史遺址
Located at the neck of the Mediterranean sea, Sicily has been a cultural melting pot since ancient times. The site of not only Greek and Roman ruins, but also of Mount Vesuvius, an active volcano that has been sleeping for thousands of years, the island feels like a gigantic museum to the foundation of Western civilization. Book a 15-day tour for as little as $2,580.西西里島位於地中海的海口,自古以來就是一個文化大熔爐。這裡不僅有希臘和羅馬遺蹟,還有千百年來一直沉睡的維蘇威活火山。西西里島就像一座浩瀚的博物館,奠定了西方文明的根基。15天的西西里島之旅最少只需2580美元。
Biking Around the Ile de France騎單車環遊法蘭西島
Paris has more history in one block than most other cities have in the entire metro area -- but don't limit yourself to the center. Instead, meander through the entire Ile de France region, where not only Paris, but also cities like Versailles are located. To experience the full breadth of the area, which is a mixture of medieval, baroque and modern historical landmarks, book a bike tour of the city, which costs as little as $40 a day per person.在巴黎,區區一個街區的歷史文化就遠遠勝過其他城市整個都會區的全部韻味了。——但是,千萬別隻侷限在巴黎市中心, 一定要去整個大巴黎區逛逛,除了巴黎還有凡爾賽等其他景點。在法蘭西島感受整個大巴黎區的魅力,領略中世紀、巴洛克以及現代風格的各式建築。如果騎單車環遊,每人一天的開銷只需40美元。
Climbing the Battlements of the Mehrangarh Fort登上梅蘭加爾堡的城垛
Much fuss, no doubt deserved, is made over the Taj Mahal in India. But other ancient monuments such as the Mehrangarh Fort are often overlooked as a result. Located 400 feet above Jodphur, a city composed entirely of blue buildings in the deserts of Rajasthan in northern India, the foundation for the fort was built in the 15th century by a warrior prince. Today, you can still walk through his throne room and hide between the latticed stone works where his concubines sat and watched him arm for battle.人們對印度的泰姬陵的評價儘管有些誇之過贊,但也確實名至實歸。相比之下,像梅蘭加爾堡等其他歷史古蹟就顯得有些被冷落了。梅蘭加爾堡坐落在焦特布林城海拔400英尺上,而焦特布林城本身則位於印度北部的拉賈斯坦邦沙漠中,城裡觸目淨是藍色建築。城垛由一位勇武的王子建於15世紀。今天,你仍然可以參觀王子的正殿,欣賞嬪妃們的格子石雕寶座,想象王子當年的英勇戰鬥。
Visiting the Holy Land參觀聖地
The birthplace of three major religions -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- Jerusalem means many things to many people. Cover all bases by visiting the Dome of the Rock, which commemorates Muhammad's "Night Journey into Heaven," the Wailing Wall, which is a remnant of the ancient Jewish Temple; and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Jesus is thought to have been buried. Splurge one day, and hire a trained local guide for $300 to give you a full sense of the city.耶路撒冷是三大宗教(猶太教、基督教和伊斯蘭教)的發祥地,對很多人來說意義非凡。你可以參觀穆罕默德“登宵”的岩石圓頂寺、古代猶太聖殿的護牆遺址“哭牆”, 或埋葬耶穌的聖墓教堂。花一天時間、300美元僱一個可靠的當地導遊,你便可充分感受這個城市的魅力了。
Stepping Into Stonehenge漫步巨石陣
Although its origins remain unknown, one thing's for certain -- Stonehenge is the oldest monument in England. Consisting of standing stones located in a dense compound of Paleolithic relics and burial mounds, the ancient site is ripe with legends. Some say it is a place for magic; others claim it is a celestial observatory. A bus trip from the Salisbury train station is roughly $18.儘管起源仍是個謎,但有一點是毋庸置疑的——巨石陣是英國最古老的遺蹟。巨石陣周邊密集有舊石器時代的遺蹟和掩埋的石堆,蘊藏有很多神話傳說。有人說這是一個魔法之地,也有人認為這是一個天文觀測臺。從索爾茲伯裡火車站乘大巴去參觀巨石陣,大概要18美元。
Getting Lost in Angkor Wat流連吳哥窟
Angkor Wat, a Buddhist temple located in Cambodia, is the largest religious monument in the world. Built in the 12th century by a Khmer king, the structure covers 500 acres -- the outer wall alone is 2.2 miles long. Wandering around it today, you'll feel like you've been transported to another dimension. The moss-covered stones and crumbling structures practically burst with otherworldly life. Do yourself a favor, and spend a few days uncovering the temple's secrets. Weeklong packages cost as little as $750.吳哥窟是高棉的一個佛教寺廟,同時也是世界上最大的宗教廟宇。吳哥窟由高棉國王建於12世紀,整個建築佔地500畝,單單外牆就有2.2米。哪怕是今天徜徉其中,你都會恍若進入另一個時空,尤其是那些佈滿青苔的石頭和斑駁的牆壁,更是超脫塵俗。放鬆下,花幾天時間好好欣賞這棟廟宇吧。一週的旅行套餐最低只需750美元。
Tangoing in Buenos Aires暢遊布宜諾斯艾利斯
The capital city of Argentina, Buenos Aires is often called the most European of all the South American cities. Bursting with history, it was established by Spanish explorers in the 16th century. Although it's weathered its fair share of catastrophes -- dictatorships and economic meltdowns among them -- the city today is one of the more cosmopolitan destinations in the world. Go see the historic tango in the bohemian San Telmo neighborhood, or visit with the ghosts at the Recoleta Cemetery, where Eva Perón is buried.作為阿根廷的首都,布宜諾斯艾利斯常被譽為“南美最具歐洲風格的城市”。這裡歷史悠久,城市在16世紀由西班牙探險家建成。雖然現在的布宜諾斯艾利斯有所風化,政治獨裁、經濟低迷,但它仍不失為全球主要國際旅遊目的地之一。可以去波西米亞的聖特爾莫區看看傳統的探戈舞,或到雷科萊塔公墓參拜,據說曾經的阿根廷第一夫人貝隆夫人就葬在那裡。
Hiking the Great Wall of China攀登中國長城
Begun as a battlement against invasions by nomadic tribes like the Mongols in the seventh century B.C., the Great Wall of China has weathered many centuries. Over 13,000 miles long, the wall is visible from space. It's also accessible from major Chinese cities like Beijing, which is close enough to make a day trip out of it. Spend an afternoon climbing the battlements or hike down the trail for a week in a group guided tour. Group treks cost roughly $1,000.長城建於公元前七世紀,起初是用來抵禦蒙古等遊牧民族入侵的。中國長城歷史悠久,長達13000米,從太空都能看到。遊玩長城的話可以去北京,從那裡一天就足以玩夠長城。可以花半天時間爬爬城垛,或跟團來個騎行一週遊覽。跟團騎行大概需要1000美元。
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