
Here are some weirdest and amazing places that may make you gasp if you are afraid of heights.

如果你有恐高症,這裡有一些最奇怪、最神奇的地方,可能會讓你大吃一驚。1) Devil’s Pool, Victoria Falls, Zambia

尚比亞維多利亞瀑布的魔鬼池Usually in dry season, a rock barrier at the edge of the falls forms a natural "Armchair". Swimmers can go near the edge of the falls and enjoy the swim as well as the mesmerizing view. It is on the Zambian side.


2) Trolltunga, Odda, Norway 巨魔之舌,烏達,挪威It's only open during the summer months between June to Sep. There haven't been any fatalities recorded till as mentioned in Wikipedia. Want an awesome “selfie”? An Internet magazine has listed it as one of the best place to take one.


3) Cliff Diving, Islet of Vila Franca do Campo, Portugal

懸崖跳水,維拉弗蘭卡多坎波島,葡萄牙The cliff diver you see in the photo is Blake Aldridge who is diving 29 meters from a rock in Portugal in 2012.


You go through absolute hell on the platform,’ Blake Aldridge says. ‘Then you take off and go through this amazing calming sensation where you feel like you’re flying. You go through hell again when you hit the water, then you’re numb, then you come up and it’s total elation.’ This is how Red Bull cliff diver Aldridge describes the experience of leaping off a platform 28m high.

“在平臺上你會經歷地獄般的煎熬,”奧爾德里奇(Blake Aldridge)說。“然後你起飛,經歷一種奇妙的平靜感,感覺就像在飛一樣。當你下水時,你又一次經歷了地獄,然後你麻木了,然後你浮上來,這時候你只有喜悅。紅牛崖跳水運動員奧爾德里奇這樣描述自己從28米高的跳臺上跳下的經歷。

4) The Edgewalk, CN Tower, Toronto, Canada

加拿大多倫多的加拿大國家電視塔的邊緣步道It's one hell of a trip for thrill lovers to walk on the edge of one of the world's tallest tower. It's one of the extreme attractions for adventurous people who want to push their personal limits.


5) Bike riding on the Cliffs of Moher

在莫赫懸崖上騎腳踏車The bike riding at this height and at this edgy steep cliff looks really terrifying and needs a lot of guts to do it. Scary as it looks in the photo. Balance must be the key here. 在這樣的高度和陡峭的懸崖上騎腳踏車看起來真的很可怕,需要很大的勇氣才能做到。雖然在照片裡看起來很嚇人。平衡一定是這裡的關鍵。

6) Insanity, Las VegasGravity defying spin upside down. Imagine the rest.


Max Ride Distance: 68-foot distance between passenger and swinging arm base on tower.Ride Height: 40 feet from observation deck, 906 feet above the Las Vegas


7) Sky Deck, Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower), Chicago

天空甲板,威利斯大廈(原西爾斯大廈),芝加哥Located above 1,353 feet off the ground, on the 103rd floor of the Willis Tower, Sky Deck allows tourists to stand on the glass ledge. Standing in the mid air? I can imagine and hear the pumping of my heart and scary view of Chicago underneath the legs.


8) Sky walking on Mount Nimbus, Canada

加拿大靈光山的空中漫步Also called heli-hiking by some, one can only reach there by helicopter. It is clipped into iron rungs very high above the ground, onto steel rope across a long suspension bridge. The climbers are given two lines attached to a harness around the waist and legs.


9) Portaledge Camping at Yosemite

約塞米蒂國家公園的懸掛帳篷營地For the adrenaline lovers, this is extremely breathtaking and scary at the same time. Can't imagine to be so calm like the lady and look below like the guy in the photo. I wonder how that portaledge bedding system works by holding so much of load. Scariest on the list!


10) Swing at the edge of the world, Baños Ecuador

在世界的邊緣盪鞦韆,厄瓜多巴諾斯The swing actually hangs from Casa Del Arbol treehouse, which is a seismic monitoring station. Long steep drop underneath and definitely you may feel your head spinning from the view underneath. But definitely worth extreme adrenaline rush!

這個鞦韆實際上是掛在Casa Del Arbol樹屋上的,這是一個地震監測站。長長的陡坡從下面直瀉而下,你肯定會覺得下面的景色讓你頭暈目眩。但絕對值得極度刺激!

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